John Sindt Brass Whistle

Product 1 of 18
€ 399,95 (including VAT)

The low octave sounds beautifully round and solid, it is really easy to get a stable tone out of all the notes, even the lowest note. The high octave does not require a lot of air, and has a beautiful smooth voice.

We do not expect to have a Sindt whistle in stock for the remainder of the year. We highly recommend our Lír whistle which is very similar in tone and design. Click here to listen to it!


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Lare, Finland
Thank you for the beautiful shakuhachi. It just arrived, and I'm already playing some notes. Really enjoying it. ???? All the best from Finland

Luca, Italy
Dear fluteshop, I received my new Arabian flute. It sounds wonderful, enchanting!!

Thank you guys and thanks to Erik the flute maker

George, United Kingdom
I've received my spirit flute today ...

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