Shakuhachi (Ashwood) - HarmonyFlute - 1.8 Shaku (Key of D) Traditional Japanese Flute - High Quality

Product 8 of 10
€ 229,95 (including VAT)


This Shakuhachi flute has been made by the passionate flutemakers of HarmonyFlute. The Shakuhachi is comfortable to play and has a beautiful meditative tone. It is a two-part instrument, allowing you to transport and clean the flute easily.

The Shakuhachi is an ancient Japansee bamboo flute. The tone is deep and of a mysterious nature. It allows you to improvise in the pentatonic scales, and express your soul in sound. 

This Shakuhachi has a length of 1.8 Shaku, which translates to roughly 54,5 centimeters. The Shakuhachi is tuned to D and made of Ashwood.

Playing instructions included.

How to play this flute?

  • Aim your airflow against the edge of the embouchure hole
  • This requires some practice and patience
  • The flute is held vertically
  • There's 4 fingerholes on top, and a thumbhole on the back
  • Cover the holes with the pad of the fingers, not the fingertips

The musical possibilities

  • Play in the minor pentatonic scale, or the major pentatonic scale.
  • The flute has a reach of 2 octaves.

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Lare, Finland
Thank you for the beautiful shakuhachi. It just arrived, and I'm already playing some notes. Really enjoying it. ???? All the best from Finland

Luca, Italy
Dear fluteshop, I received my new Arabian flute. It sounds wonderful, enchanting!!

Thank you guys and thanks to Erik the flute maker

George, United Kingdom
I've received my spirit flute today ...

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